Wednesday 1 June 2016

Mafuzes Day

20 May 2016
Blog Post
Hi my name is Mafuze. I live in Dunoon. This is how I wake up. I wake up to wetness(if it was rainy) I don't have any shoes so my feet are full of blisters,cuts,fungi and bruise. My mom is kind
 to me and my baby sister. I lost my father in 2008. There was a massive fire I lost my father and my older brother. I have a lung disease from the fire so if I  breathe in smoke I have to go to hospital and if I don't then I might die. I don't have breakfast in the morning then I wake up my baby sis. Now I have to go to school and it might be rainy if it is I get to school late and if it is not rainy I am don't late to school when I am late then I get whipped on my hand or on my bum(or bottom). We learnt  about Nelson Mandela I remember my brother saying when I grow up I want to be a man like Nelson Mandela. When I got home I had to do homework. When I was finished I went to go play soccer. It was nine a' clock so I had to go to bed I don't sleep because my sister is always crying because she misses my dad and my brother I also miss my dad and brother so finally my sister went to sleep. And it was like 2:00 in the morning and I still have school tomorrow. Tit tat tit tat oh no it is rainy got to and fix up the roof before it collapses hope it goes away otherwise I will get more scar got to go before my sister wakes up.

Friday 22 April 2016

Becky's Dairy / The Singing Insepector

Today Mr Raymond came for singing inspecton. He wore a huge knickerbocker and thick stockings. He has a muschautse. A golden clock. All the children went to singing I went to. I went up to sing I sang wonderful he liked my voice. But then somone made me laugh and then I got kicked out of singing class. I went to maths class. When I got home I told my mom and dad.

Thursday 3 March 2016

ILT adventure

Last week we had ILT it was amazing my partner was Jessica Pearce, she had so much ideas it was so much fun I have never experience it. We finished our poster it was crazy but we had all the right information it was a relive. When we were finished we had to do an oral on our poster it amazing we did it when we were in dentation it was incredible .We had to make an iMovie, so we did it as an interview. Then came the oral rubric I got 15 and a half out of 20 my partner got 15 out of 20 because she didn’t have any fluency and I didn’t have any eye contact. It was an unprepared oral so we weren’t allowed to practice at home and we only had a day to practice it was tough and I was going to give up but I stayed  with my partner and we pushed all the pain away she is magic. I am so glade that she was my partner if I was with anyone else I would of failed the first ILT but we didn’t because we are both creative and silly .I am so excited and nervous for our poster rubric. 
Last week we had ILT it was amazing my partner was Jessica Pearce, she had so much ideas it was so much fun I have never experience it. We finished our poster it was crazy but we had all the right information it was a relive. When we were finished we had to do an oral on our poster it amazing we did it when we were in dentation it was incredible .We had to make an iMovie, so we did it as an interview. Then came the oral rubric I got 15 and a half out of 20 my partner got 15 out of 20 because she didn’t have any fluency and I didn’t have any eye contact. It was an unprepared oral so we weren’t allowed to practice at home and we only had a day to practice it was tough and I was going to give up but I stayed  with my partner and we pushed all the pain away she is magic. I am so glade that she was my partner if I was with anyone else I would of failed the first ILT but we didn’t because we are both creative and silly .I am so excited and nervous for our poster rubric. 

Thursday 28 January 2016

My brand new blog!

I am very excited about my new blog I cant want to be blogging for the whole year Grade 5 is going to be the best