Monday 6 March 2017

Poetry ILT

ILT- means Integrated Learning Task.

Last week we had a poetry ILT and I was in a group with Jemma and Josh.  We had to different tasks around the topic. We had to make a poem and it went like this:

Everyone has a fear
Sometimes it is the dark
The creature under your bed
Getting robbed in the middle of the night
And lots more
Well what really is fear
Fear is a feeling deep inside
Sometimes it breaks you
But sometimes it builds  you
Sometimes we stop and stare
But sometimes we run away
We have to face our fear
Don't avoid it 
Face it
Look it in the eye
Don't let it control you
Because you control it
We have to face our fear
Image result for fear from inside out
On the 8th we are going on camp and I am so excited we are going to Rocklands.